People around me live far more interesting lives, that's for sure. Wendy just told me this girl in our course who's about 21 years old is married. She married at the age of 16, and it wasn't arranged or anything- she actually marred from love. LOVE. How crazy that they're still together as well. At 16 I was in bloody Year 11 still having packed lunches from my mum.
I also found out today that there's an actual sorority/fraternity at my uni. It's called the Motts and Grotts. Charming name, no? Apparently it's made up of Agricultural Science students (aka farm kids) and they do absolutely crazy stuff. Pooja was telling me that her friend, Bobby was hanging out at a pub and suddenly spotted a crowd of uni kids in a tight circle, looking at something. It turned out it was the Motts and Grotts. Apparently they had some chick bent over with her pants down, and a guy having sex with her. IN THE PUB. They form a tight circle so that no one else could see. It was probably part of an initiation. That girl is also a massive nymphomaniac so she just screws everyone.
Also, as a first year Ag Sci student, you get everything paid for, for that entire first year by all the older students. Every time they go out, their drinks, food are paid for. But there's a catch; they have to do everything that the older students tell them to. Pooja's same friend Bobby was telling her how once he came into his dorm, and some guy had accidentally drank all his beer. That guy felt really bad, and so he kept insisting he would pay Bobby back for the beer. He reached into his pocket, and Bobby expected him to pull out some cash or whatnot. Instead, he pulled out his mobile phone and called some girl. She told him she was with a friend, and he said he'd be over with Bobby soon. Vagina seems to be the currency around here.
Like I said, everyone has some sort of life. And here I am, living vicariously through them...and blogging about it.