Life In Technicolour

Life In Technicolour


Saturday, March 26, 2011


Quote of the week

'She's going to have to change A LOT to fit into society.'

Friday, March 18, 2011

Riot Van

People around me live far more interesting lives, that's for sure. Wendy just told me this girl in our course who's about 21 years old is married. She married at the age of 16, and it wasn't arranged or anything- she actually marred from love. LOVE. How crazy that they're still together as well. At 16 I was in bloody Year 11 still having packed lunches from my mum.

I also found out today that there's an actual sorority/fraternity at my uni. It's called the Motts and Grotts. Charming name, no? Apparently it's made up of Agricultural Science students (aka farm kids) and they do absolutely crazy stuff. Pooja was telling me that her friend, Bobby was hanging out at a pub and suddenly spotted a crowd of uni kids in a tight circle, looking at something. It turned out it was the Motts and Grotts. Apparently they had some chick bent over with her pants down, and a guy having sex with her. IN THE PUB. They form a tight circle so that no one else could see. It was probably part of an initiation. That girl is also a massive nymphomaniac so she just screws everyone.

Also, as a first year Ag Sci student, you get everything paid for, for that entire first year by all the older students. Every time they go out, their drinks, food are paid for. But there's a catch; they have to do everything that the older students tell them to. Pooja's same friend Bobby was telling her how once he came into his dorm, and some guy had accidentally drank all his beer. That guy felt really bad, and so he kept insisting he would pay Bobby back for the beer. He reached into his pocket, and Bobby expected him to pull out some cash or whatnot. Instead, he pulled out his mobile phone and called some girl. She told him she was with a friend, and he said he'd be over with Bobby soon. Vagina seems to be the currency around here.

Like I said, everyone has some sort of life. And here I am, living vicariously through them...and blogging about it.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Been A Long Day

I have no idea what's happening, but it really does feel like the world is ending. The Japanese earthquake/tsunami is crazy, with death toll expected to be in the thousands. It's like natural disasters are affecting every part of the world, like it's the start of the end of the world.

I found out this afternoon that a student died on campus last night. He had come home from a normal night out with his friends. He was in second year like me, and stayed at the building next to the one I stayed at last year. The details aren't too clear, but he is said to have just collapsed in the place where we all did our laundry with his friends around him. His friends ran to the nearest residence hall to get help, and a nursing student who is a friend of Pooja, my friend, ran after him to help try resuscitate. My friend Pooja has her boyfriend staying at the residence place, and he told her that this morning everyone was in the common room, deadly quiet. As he walked in the hallway, he saw a girl escorted out who was screaming and crying from shock. The student who died had lived in that residence hall. They had police officers all morning, and counsellors. Imagine being his parents, and receiving that phone call that your seemingly healthy 20 year old is dead, and the friends who saw it all unfold. He died doing something so mundane, doing his laundry, after having a night out with his mates. Things like this aren't supposed to happen. It's just really sad.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Kick Push

I was reading something and listening to music at the same time. As I read the word 'Venice' or some uncommon word like that, the singer sang the word in the song at the exact moment.

Also, yesterday RACV called me to say that my insurance claim to a car crash has been approved. I told them it was the wrong number, because they were looking for a Jade or Adam. And then today my friend was backing out of the uni car park and I was standing outside because the person next to her had parked so shittly, I couldn't even get into the car. And she was turning the wrong way to the arrow, so I was pointing to the other way, confused....then she backed into the car behind her. I don't think it was dented, but scratched. That's one crunching noise I will never forget. But strangely, it popped back out as soon as she drove forward. Coincidences freak me out sometimes.

Once I got a phone call at home from a funeral parlour about a funeral. Thank god that never became a coincidence.

My Number

I don't know why it's necessary, but a lot of people here always seems like listing off the things they need to do, especially when they're talking about uni work. And it's starting to really piss me off. Last year Emma used to do it all the bloody time that it drove me insane. I used to just say one thing, then that just made her go off on what she needed to do. I DON'T CARE PEOPLE. I don't really mind if it's just day to day things, but when they list every single detail of their homework schedule it gets me guilty that I'm not doing the work either. I guess that's why it gets me so annoyed.

In other fun things in my life, I was talking to Wendy and she told me of a friend in our course who had something incredibly disturbing happen to her. She's a nice person, so at the start of last year, she went up to loners and befriended them. One of the loners was a seedy looking guy (complete with those pedophile glasses) who was very strange. One night he went to her room and asked about some 'work'. She said she was tired so she went to her bed and closed her eyes. Next thing she knows, he's kissing her. But once he got the picture, he left. Moral of story: don't befriend loners. Especially ones that look like pedophiles.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011

Only You

Both my roommates are talking to their boyfriends right now, and all I can hear is their talking while I'm trying to learn about hydrogen bonding. All I have is you, internet.


Sunday, March 06, 2011

PYT (Pretty Young Thing)

I'm probably not alone on this, but I just for some reason think there isn't anyone out there for me. I just can't imagine it. I'll probably eventually end up settling for someone that's just okay. I suppose I have about ten years to find that okay person before my family starts thinking I'm gay (which happened to my poor 30 something cousin). But I'm not even sad about the thought of spending the rest of my life without someone. Maybe it's cause I'm content without a boyfriend now and how things are. I'll probably end up looking up that 'FOREVER ALONE' meme.
I still can't believe I passed that last exam. I'm still so shocked that I check my online uni transcript everyday, just in case I read it wrong or they accidentally passed me. I thought I'd learnt from the past few years that these things just don't happen to me. But apparently they sometimes do.

Saturday, March 05, 2011


This week has been hectic. It's only been about eight days since I've left home again and it already feels like I've been here for a very very long time already. Yesterday was hectic. I thought I didn't have any pracs on this week, but I only realised after I was hanging out with a friend and a first year pharmacy student was talking to her about a prac for BMS (which I had failed the previous year). So I ended up nearly shitting my pants when I realised I was missing a prac, and Thanh calmed me down, got me some size ten closed toed shoes from someone in her residence, a massive labcoat, and prac book and drove me there. Thank crap for the kindness of strangers. The first year was even trying to calm me down. I suppose it was all my fault- I hadn't gone to any of those lectures 'cause I had others on.

I had to sneak into that prac. That wasn't the worst part. A girl, Belinda, in my year was one of the lab assistants. She's the smartest of our year, so I guess she was asked to do it. It was kind of degrading to have someone in the same year as you as your official teacher. But she was nice enough to joke with me about it.

It also feels really different this year because two of my closest friends here had moved to a different uni together, and there's some other people that are doing my course as distance students for a while. Damn those bitches.

I spent most of today buying those manual lawn mowers that have blades, putting it together and mowing the small patch of grass in the backyard with one of my roommates. It was bloody tiring cause the grass was about 30 cms long and there were spiders, cockroaches and crickets scurrying for safety. We shrieked while mowing.

A friend here named Diana was involved in a really bad car accident yesterday. Apparently she lost control of her car, went over to the other lane, between two trucks, and then rolled down a ditch into a wire fence. She got away with just body bruising from the seatbelt. All I can say is she's one freaking lucky woman. But she's driven me before, and I have to say I'm not surprised- she also drives like the craziest person on steroids, speeds and blasts her music so loud that the stereo in her car starts crackling. She was so close to death, and that's not an exaggeration- her car was completely totalled. Even in the midst of that: 'My Bettina Lianos are all ripped!'.

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

Tick Tick Boom

Back in Le Olde Country Town. I've moved into a share-house this year, which will be so much better then last year's dorm. The other two girls I'm living with are really easy to live with, so that's always good.

Being back here in this actual town is always kind of daunting to me. Whenever I'm here, I miss walking freely out on the streets and shopping without people staring at me because I'm Asian. Until leaving high school and Melbourne, I have never been so constantly reminded that I'm Asian as I have been recently. Yeah, I was sheltered pretty badly. Coming from a school and suburb where white people are a minority it's a pretty uncomfortable experience. My roommate was driving her parents to the train station on Sunday so that they could catch the next bus back to Sydney. She told me that they were at a red light when a car pulled up next to them and a guy rolled down his window and started yelling in a sing-song voice 'Fucking Asians, fucking Asians, fucking Asians'. My friend's dad told them not to look over and give them the satisfaction of being angry- that that man was just an uneducated idiot. (And it's true, statistics show that racists are generally middle-aged, white, non-tertiary educated men). It was especially painful because it was a red light and they had to endure the taunts for a while. My friend let him speed ahead as the light turned green and as he did, he threw an oily McDonald's paper bag full of rubbish at my friend's windshield as she drove behind him.

People need to get hobbies or something.