Life In Technicolour

Life In Technicolour


Thursday, June 23, 2011

Down On Me

So here's a rundown of what has happened since..... *Voiceover: Previously on Anna's Life*

Studied and did exams, witnessed a mass walkout during an exam from the Radiographers, caught more mice, witnessed meltdowns, made new friends, made new enemies, realised how much everyone is starting to hate each other in my year level, procrastinated, had mini arguments with roommates, shopped for bed sheets as a form of procrastination, had a massive bitch fest with a friend as we were driving back to Melbourne from uni and continuously ignored Thanh (a subject related to everyone starting to hate each other in my year), Snowy died, and other crap that my paranoid side won't let me type out here.

Last night I drove for the first time in a month. I left it for too long again, apparently. First of all, I pushed to indicate. It was the windscreen wipers. I was at the end of the my street and indicated right. I turned left. It's been a while since my dad has yelled at me and he's not a yeller, but I can't blame him. It feels like I'm starting all over again each time I get behind the wheel. My only hope now is that I find a boyfriend that will drive me places... aaaand I just realised there is a better chance of getting my driver's license.

Also visited Zara for the first time yesterday with Tran. Holy crap muffins, it was busy. This is such a white girl problem, but when I tried on a dress I really wanted in my normal size, I couldn't zip it up. Damn you exams. DAMN YOU TO HELL. And while I changed for a dress that I couldn't fit, I broke my necklace. It was a fake silver pearl necklace and it even did the whole pearl dropping and rolling around everywhere, like in a dramatic black and white movie. Then later on while Tran and I were walking, she accidentally kicked my black flats, causing a decorative part of it to fly off. I don't think she even realised it was her, seeing at her shoes were massive wedges she probably didn't feel it. My clothes were just falling apart on me.

Hopefully these holidays will be good, even though everyone is going on holidays somewhere. Honestly I don't really want to travel anywhere, seeing as I've been away from home for about two months. I just want to relax and hope that my gained fat will magically melt off my rolls.

Saturday, June 04, 2011

I miss home.

Friday, June 03, 2011

When You Were Young

At request, I am about to divulge a memory that I realise now has probably scarred me for the rest of my life. And is the source of hilarity for others. I'm looking at you Marianne.

In Year 5, we had this play for Italian we had to put on for the rest of the school. My class was going to do a whole 'Minestrone' thing where there would be a large cardboard pot at the front of the stage and each of us had an oversized cardboard ingredient to 'put' into the pot. My ingredient was salt, or 'Sale', as we had to say in Italian while we went up to the pot. I only still remember my ingredient now because they made me repeat so many times, due to the fact that I didn't sound 'enthusiastic enough'. Okay. So. People who know me well enough know that this is my normal voice. I am not being sarcastic all the time. You have no idea how many times they made me repeat it, while exclaiming, 'BE MORE ENTHUSIASTIC!'. I remember having no idea what they were talking about, and that I was trying my absolute best to be as damn 'enthusiastic' as bloody possible. I remember tearing up at one point because they were all telling me to 'sound more enthusiastic' and I was trying so hard. In the end, when we were actually performing it, I remember walking up to the microphone that a boy in my class was holding for us to talk into, and he whispered to me, 'dead man walking!'. And then I said the two words with really bad enthusiasm and a sigh. In the end, it made me sound even more sarcastic, by trying to not to sound sarcastic. OH THE IRONY. They had recorded this, and when they were replaying it back to the class, that same boy told our teacher to look out specifically for my part. I wonder if my primary school still has that on tape. I would very much like to see it again, and pity that young child for not realising her sarcastic future ahead of her.