Life In Technicolour

Life In Technicolour


Monday, September 19, 2011


I think I'm a naturally paranoid person, who's easy to scare, but there's been a few genuinely strange things that have happened in the house I'm renting this year. Sheenal's window is always opening by itself, and it needs to be pushed up. It could be something like suction, but it creeped us out a bit the first few times, especially when she said she could hear it at night. Secondly, Sheenal came but from holidays a few days earlier than Wendy and I and her guests needed to use our bathroom but the door was locked. She had to use a knife to unlock it because she didn't have the keys. And lastly, the garage door keeps rolling open by itself. Again, could just be the roller doors malfunctioning, but now that means we have to hope for the four month holidays that it does not open. But the locking of the bathroom door is what was the most strange. I'm probably just paranoid, right?