Life In Technicolour

Life In Technicolour


Sunday, September 04, 2011

This Ain't Sex

So the past two weeks of 'holidays' had me doing placement with a Dietician (who worked part time in her parent's fish and chip shop) and a Diabetes Educator (who had diabetes herself). I didn't realise how crappily they treated me at the pharmacy work experience I had in year 10 until I had this placement. The dietician and I ended up talking mostly about movies and in particular, Twilight. It made me think how I will never ever treat a work experience kid as crappy as they did to me when I was in year 10. I remember trying to watch the pharmacist making a cream on a slab, and as I looked at him, he looked up at me as if to say 'What the eff are you looking at?' And not to mention the horrible shop girls.

Erugh... anyway, it was pretty good placement, met a few interesting patients. I didn't realise how much you can tell when someone has depression. Some people hide it well, and others are consumed. There was a lady who has had clinical depression for about 22 years, and it's horrible to think that someone can live through that many years with it. And there were the obese people who were clearly forced to be there, and after they left, the dietician would make a horrible face and bitch about them. All in all, pretty entertaining.

And finally, back in ye olde country towneth.

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