Life In Technicolour

Life In Technicolour


Saturday, October 02, 2010


It's like my hall neighbours hibernated in winter, and then spring dawns and they come out of their little dark rooms, rubbing their eyes, and start acting like people with ADD, but with alcohol. I've been woken up for the past three days by thumping music, when always the night before, they've been thumping music until 4am, screaming like freaking banshees. They do seem to have a little bit of consideration- they don't turn up the bass full blast, wow. I don't understand how the rest of the building who aren't part of this group don't want to throttle them too. I'm so near breaking point. I've thrown things against the wall because they've started this loud music while I was studying. I know I could call Security, but who wants to make enemies with people they live with? Alcohol + Spring + Music = Douchebaggery.

Why can't they at least play good music?!

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